Holiday Inn Baruna Envy Restaurant
抵達Bali的第一天 凌晨四點多起床準備出門 早上十點多起飛
下午四點十分才落地 等領到行李 叫到計程車抵達飯店 辦理入住等

感覺今天過得很漫長 或許是很早開始忙碌的關係

Envy餐廳就在海灘旁邊 天色在黃昏轉暗之際 綻放出靛藍的天光
菜單翻來翻去 什麼都想吃 猶豫不絕再次發作


桌上有可愛的小蠟燭 等天色暗下來之後 就會變成燭光晚餐啦
最後我點了我的comfort food安全牌波隆那肉醬麵
先生點了Mexican bowl 然後side dish只要了一個洋蔥圈

等待的途中先上麵包 隨著天色慢慢變暗 心情也很好的一邊欣賞風景邊等待餐點
麵包和麵包棒 我們沾橄欖油醋醬吃
我的波隆那肉醬麵是linguine麵條 比經典的義大利麵條略寬一點點 有點扁扁的
很好沾附肉醬和醬汁 肉醬本身是經典的豬牛絞肉 上面撒一點帕瑪森起司粉
這種就是經典的好吃 挑不出錯 當身心俱疲的時候 吃一盤喜歡的義大利麵

老公的Mexican bowl裡面有蘿美生菜 豆子 烤過的玉米 藜麥 烤雞
當天內容物的蔬菜和雞肉都很好吃很新鮮 相對於我的麵
簡直就是一個超健康存在 這樣相對之下 我成什麼人了嘖嘖
但不管 炸的洋蔥圈還是要吃起來 又脆又香真的讚爆好嗎


吹著徐徐海風 帶來一種溫暖舒適的感覺 這時候才真的突然放鬆了下來
感覺到已經在放假了 已經在海灘上吃著美好的燭光晚餐了
可以放寬心盡情享受假期了 喝沒有酒精的調酒一樣讓人感到微醺
這是一種心情美好的魔法 讓碰到的一切都飄飄然起來



Holiday Inn Baruna Envy Restaurant

On the first day of arrival in Bali, I woke up a little after 4 am and got ready to go out. The flight took off around 10 am. We landed around 4:10 pm and had to wait to collect our luggage. After that, we called a taxi and arrived at the hotel to check-in. By the time we finished all the little details, it was already dinner time.

It felt like today had been a very long day, perhaps because we started busy early in the morning. When we arrived at the hotel, we didn't have the energy to think about where to eat. So, today we decided to dine at the famous Envy restaurant inside the hotel.

Envy restaurant is located right by the beach. As the sky turned darker during the twilight, it displayed a vibrant indigo hue. I flipped through the menu, unsure of what to order. Indecision struck again. There were cute little candles on the table that would turn into a candlelit dinner once the sky got darker. In the end, I chose my comfort food, the safe bet of Bolognese pasta. My husband ordered the Mexican bowl and opted for onion rings as a side dish. We ordered two mocktails as our drinks.

While waiting, they served bread. As the sky gradually darkened, we enjoyed the scenery and waited for our meals. We dipped the bread and breadsticks in olive oil and vinegar sauce.

My Bolognese pasta was linguine, slightly wider than the classic Italian pasta, and a bit flatter. It paired well with the meat sauce and the pasta absorbed the flavors nicely. The meat sauce itself was made with the classic blend of pork and beef mince, topped with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. It was a classic, delicious choice. When you're physically and mentally exhausted, having a plate of your favorite pasta is enough to bring comfort, don't you think?

Inside my husband's Mexican bowl were romaine lettuce, beans, grilled corn, quinoa, and roasted chicken. The vegetables and chicken in his dish were fresh and tasty compared to my pasta. It was a super healthy option. In comparison, what did that make me? Oh well, no matter. The fried onion rings had to be eaten. They were crispy and fragrant, absolutely amazing.

With the gentle sea breeze blowing, a warm and comfortable feeling enveloped us. That's when I truly relaxed and felt like I was on vacation, enjoying a delightful candlelit dinner by the beach.

I could finally unwind and fully enjoy the holiday. Even without alcohol, the non-alcoholic cocktails still made me feel a bit tipsy. It was a magical feeling of bliss that made everything seem light and carefree.

After dinner, we took a stroll along the beach to aid digestion.


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