上個周末因緣際會去了高雄 又很偶然的遇到了光榮碼頭辦的活動 我在那邊看得很高興也曬到暈頭轉向
美到不行 不枉費我直挺挺朝它衝過去欸 裡面有很香的花瓣🌸
真的好香好好聞 是百貨公司賣香氛產品那層樓會有的香味 我不知道是什麼花
但是又美又優雅的香味真的大加分 我很少買這種網美飲料 今天讓我也來蹭一下熱度😂

水蜜桃氣泡甜度很低 氣泡綿密充足 喝下去火速解渴 是我今天傍晚在駁二特區的續命聖水 居然還長得那麼美 讓我稱讚它一下

I rushed to buy a life-saving drink today - Peach Bubble Tea 🫧. It was incredibly beautiful, making it totally worth my excitement to go straight for it. Inside, there are fragrant flower petals 🌸 that smell amazing, like the fragrance section on the floor where they sell perfumes in department stores. I don't know what kind of flower it is, but the beautiful and elegant scent is a big plus. I rarely buy these trendy drinks, but today I decided to join in on the hype 😂.

The Peach Bubble Tea has a low level of sweetness and abundant bubbles. It quickly quenches my thirst. It's like the life-saving elixir I had in Pier-2 Art District this evening, and it looks so beautiful as well. Let me give it a compliment.

#BubbleTea #EnglishTeaBubbleTea #JimmyDeerDeer #TrendyDrinks #Pier2Cuisine #Pier2Market

#氣泡飲料#英國茶氣泡飲 #吉米鹿鹿#網美飲料#駁二美食 #駁二市集
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