
今天準備的菜種類比較多 有金針菇 福山萵苣(俗稱大陸妹) 玉米筍 加上青蔥 然後吃麵就是要放兩顆蛋
金針菇放在裡面跟麵看起來簡直融為一體 這樣可以少吃一點麵條喔(笑)
一邊調醬汁一邊燒水準備煮麵 簡單的醬汁完全不複雜 最麻煩的地方只有切蔥花而已(喔 還有後續吃完的收拾😂)
今天企圖煮美美的水波蛋失敗 我今天把蛋放進水裡時太心急了直接弄散 所以照面裡面有一個蛋黃失去它的蛋白了哈哈
但沒關係啦 這麵好吃就好 簡單又方便

只有簡單的油 蔥花 醬油 鹽巴 味精

好了 吃完讚美完了 剩下收拾碗盤殘局的份了哈哈

I'm going to enjoy my favorite plain noodles today.

Today, I have prepared a variety of ingredients. There are enoki mushrooms, Fushan lettuce, baby corn, and green onions. And of course, when eating noodles, I always add two eggs.

While I'm preparing the sauce and boiling water for the noodles, the sauce itself is simple and not complicated at all. The only troublesome part is chopping the green onions (oh, and the cleanup afterwards 😂).

I attempted to make a beautiful swirling egg, but it failed. I was too impatient when I put the egg into the water, so it dispersed immediately. As a result, there is an egg yolk without its white in the noodles. Haha, but it's okay. As long as the noodles taste good, that's all that matters. It's simple and convenient.

The second photo shows the sauce. It only consists of simple ingredients like oil, chopped green onions, soy sauce, salt, and MSG.

Alright, after finishing this delicious meal, it's time to deal with the aftermath of washing the dishes. Haha."
#陽春麵 #乾麵 #家常麵 #自煮午餐 #麵食

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