
今天晚餐用UberEats訂了新竹城隍廟旁邊的ToBe+兔彼炸物 它家是以現切馬鈴薯炸成洋芋片聞名的樣子 但我今天不是要吃洋芋片😂
我今天才第一次吃 看了菜單 猶豫了好久 點了七合一綜合炸物分享餐和兩份現炸嫩雞

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 14-34-42 PotatoMucher(@potato_munchercher) InstagramScreenshot 2023-07-07 at 14-34-47 PotatoMucher(@potato_munchercher) Instagram
它家炸物的類型 我會把它歸類在比較「輕炸」的那邊 不是那種炸到很脆 很刮上顎的類型 相對軟一點好入口的款 這種冷掉不會整個變硬也相對會比較顯油膩

七合一炸物餐裡面有 四季豆 玉米筍 杏鮑菇 甜不辣 德腸 百頁 雞肉
兩種裡面都有加入洋蔥跟大蒜 所以都蠻香的

今天整體來說蠻好吃的 趁熱吃 不要放涼就不會太油 洋蔥那些也很香 但就是份量有點少 比我預期的少蠻多的 我大吃一驚

第二張照片的份量 是兩份嫩雞放在一起 其實感覺有點像一份 我當時收到還打電話給店家確認過 那個炸物全餐也不是很大盒 雖然蠻多樣的 大食怪有點小失望
可能跟我用外送有關 價格會比店內價高 很在意的人要注意一下這點

I ordered dinner today from ToBe+ Rabbit, located near Hsinchu Chenghuang Temple. This store is known for their freshly sliced potato chips, but I wasn't in the mood for that today. 😂

It was my first time trying their food, and after looking at the menu, I hesitated for a while before finally ordering their Combo Platter with a variety of fried items and two servings of freshly fried tender chicken.

Their fried items can be categorized as "lightly fried." They are not extremely crispy and jaw-scratching. Instead, they are relatively softer and easier to bite into. They don't become too hard when they cool down, but they can be a bit greasy.

The Combo Platter includes long beans, baby corn, king oyster mushrooms, fried tempura, German sausage, hundred-layer tofu, and chicken. The tender chicken is boneless chicken breast. Both items have onions and garlic added to them, so they have a nice aroma.

Overall, it was quite tasty. It's best to eat them while they're hot to avoid them being too oily. The onions were fragrant as well. However, the portion size was a bit small, much smaller than I expected. It surprised me.

The portion shown in the second photo is two servings of tender chicken placed together. It almost feels like one serving. I even called the restaurant to confirm. The Combo Platter itself is not a large box, although it offers a decent variety. If you order for delivery, the prices might be higher compared to dining in. Those who are concerned about this should take note.

#炸物 #鹹酥雞#兔彼炸物 #新竹城隍廟美食 #新竹美食

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