


這個真的不愧是大戶屋的當家招牌 吃了好多次大戶屋真的是無法離開這一道 會覺得它家的其他食物跟這道一比會遜色不少的程度

雞塊是雞腿肉 炸的酥脆又軟嫩 其他的蔬菜也處理的很好 然後裹上那個酸甜的烏醋醬 真的好吃到翻 酸甜程度蠻高的 所以很刺激食慾 很下飯
雞肉塊尺寸不小 通常要分成兩口吃才剛好 然後炸蔬菜之中我最最喜歡炸蓮藕 又特別又好吃 日常生活要吃到蓮藕的機會也不是很多 口感又很棒 超喜歡


在大戶屋用餐 桌上會供應這個芝麻鹽 這真的是白飯小偷 灑一點在飯上真的讚爆
黑芝麻很香 然後輕微的鹽味會讓人不需要配菜就可以吃下那碗飯 然後你就可以續下一碗飯了
大戶屋的味噌湯很好喝 跟高麗菜絲 白飯一樣 點了定食類餐點的客人都可以免費續 我今天在吃飯前喝了一碗 然後吃到接近尾聲的時候 續了一碗湯 好喜歡這個湯

然後今天發現它們定食套餐裡面的有一道小菜換菜色 這個小肉丸原本是一道金針菇配菜 不管是哪種都還不錯
星期五的晚上 吃得飽飽
超愉快 晚餐很好吃 然後就可以續攤吃甜點了哈哈哈

Because most of our dinners this week consisted of fruit yogurt (except for the day we had fried chicken), we were happy to go out for dinner on Friday night.

It had been a while since my husband and I had eaten at Ootoya together. We both ordered our favorite chicken and vegetable simmered in black vinegar sauce set meal.

This dish truly lives up to Ootoya's signature. After having it numerous times, I find it impossible to visit without ordering it. The other dishes at Ootoya seem quite inferior in comparison.

The chicken pieces and most of the vegetables are fried (except for the tomatoes and shredded cabbage, which are raw). The chicken thigh meat is crispy, tender, and flavorful. The other vegetables are well-prepared and coated with the tangy and sweet black vinegar sauce. It's truly delicious and stimulates the appetite. The sweet and sour flavor is quite pronounced, making it a great complement to rice. The chicken pieces are not small in size, usually requiring two bites to finish. Among the fried vegetables, my favorite is the fried lotus root. It's unique and delicious. It's not often that I get to eat lotus root in my daily life, so I really enjoy it.
When dining at Ootoya, they provide sesame salt on the table. It's a rice thief, sprinkling a little on the rice makes it incredibly tasty. The black sesame is fragrant, and the subtle saltiness allows you to enjoy the bowl of rice even without any side dishes. You can then have another bowl of rice. Ootoya's miso soup is delicious too, just like the shredded cabbage and rice. Guests who order set meals can have free refills. Today, before having my meal, I had a bowl of soup. Towards the end of the meal, I had another bowl of soup. I really like this soup.
And today, I discovered that the set meal comes with a small side dish that changes. This small meatball originally came with golden needle mushrooms, but whichever version it is, it's still good.

Friday night was a satisfying dinner. We had a great time, the food was delicious, and now we can move on to enjoying desserts. Hahaha!
#巨城#巨城美食 #新竹美食 #日本料#大戶屋 #雞肉蔬菜燴黑醋醬定食 #日式料理#鶏と野菜の黒酢あん定食#ootoya


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